Leadership Seminar Training
In my Capstone, I created a leadership seminar training PowerPoint and gave a 27-minute presentation on the seminar and the 4 W’s (Who, What, Where and When), along with the How To. Associated with this seminar training PowerPoint, that came back from the instructor with a 100%, the purpose was to create a flowing dialogue amongst the Owner and Director with the staff members.
Strategic Planning SWOT
In my Strategic Planning course at Western Governors University, the concept of successful strategic planning is implemented and encouraged through the seven modules. There are two tasks required in order to pass the final of the course—two papers. The attached paper that highlights my professional development and thoughts surrounding SWOT Analysis’ and the organization I work with can be seen throughout the paper.
Strategic Planning Final Analysis
For my Final in SP, I had to organize a business strategy and implement the focus points in the course by demonstrating my knowledge and expertise within my organization. The paper discusses the SWOT analysis noted above, the organization’s vision, mission statement, Competitive Advantages, ROIs, Cost-Benefit Analysis and an executive summary.
Change Innovation and Management
In my CIM course, I identified the external and internal stakeholders of my organization while answering fundamental concerns and procedure that are within the organization. My impact on the fundamentals concerns are noted within the essay. I also discuss the company’s leadership, policies and procedures thoroughly.
PowerPoint Associated with Paper: Click Here
Managing Organizations and Leading People
In the Managing Organization and Leading People course I am enrolled in, I was required to take the Clifton Strengths Assessment and use my results in a data driven essay that focused on the leadership theories discussed in our lectures. In the essay, I capitalize on the findings of my strategic, achiever, learner, command and significance strengths and how those five themes corelate to the transformational leadership theory.
Effective Communication
In my introductory Master of Business course, the discussion of effective communication is the focus of our introductory paper. In the paper I sourced North Carolina State University’s Writing Center, and a psychology magazine. The essay discusses how our informal or formal tones can connect or disconnect us from our audience, the emotional connection to our pitch, how crucial word choice is and an overview on how to implement effective communication throughout our daily routine.
Intercultural Communications
In my Intercultural Communication course at Western Carolina University, my final presentation and essay was a collaboration of the materials learned in the course. Our professor requested that we write an essay that showcased the most important takeaways from the course dialogue, that we make a connection to the content and implement it using resources from our textbooks and readings.
Issues in the Industry
In my professional development seminar at Western Carolina University, we were required to research issues in the industry that we were focusing on. I chose the industry of education and law, and connected both to the role that bullying plays both inside an academic setting as well as the role of those who are witnesses, advocates of those being bullied and parents/teachers.